End User License Agreement (EULA)

Last Updated: July 18, 2023


This Terms of Use governs the manner in which visitors use the MyChecklist4U Extension provided by TopSolutions Media LTD. These Terms apply to all Users and Members of all Services offered by TopSolutions Media LTD.

Description of Services

TopSolutions Media LTD (referred to as "TopSolutions" on this page) provides checklist creation and management tools (known as "Service(s)"). Users of the Service, hereinafter referred to as "Users," "Members," or "Registrants," understand that the Service may include certain communications from TopSolutions Media LTD, such as service announcements, new feature announcements, administrative messages, and survey invitations, which are considered part of TopSolutions Media LTD registration, membership, and paid subscriptions. Any new features that augment or enhance the current Service shall be subject to these Terms of Use.

GDPR and User Data

1. All data you input into MyChecklist4U, including information on your Clients, will not be freely given to anyone. TopSolutions Media LTD does not sell either your Email Data or your Email Contacts' Personal Data. Only authorized employees have access to view User Data.

2. TopSolutions Media LTD is the sole owner of information collected on MyChecklist4U (including any metadata). The company collects information only as necessary to fulfill the purposes set forth in the Privacy Policy and will only use this information as described in the Privacy Policy. Content from your emails and account may be viewed, copied, and internally distributed for customer support purposes.

3. As you use the Service, you may import Personal Data of yourself or other individuals. TopSolutions Media LTD has no direct relationship with the third parties added to the Product or any person other than you, and for that reason, you are responsible for ensuring that you have the appropriate permission for TopSolutions Media LTD to collect and process information about those individuals.

GDPR and Privacy

The Client is considered the data controller within the meaning of the Act n°7817 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, as well as European Union's 2018 General Data Protection Regulation, data files, and civil liberties, regarding all User Data provided within the framework of the Agreements. The Client undertakes expressly to comply with all applicable data protection regulations and to carry out any necessary formalities.

In compliance with the Act n°7817 of 6 January 1978 on information technology, data files, and civil liberties, the Client has a permanent right to access, amend, modify, or delete any information related to him/her/it by sending an email to info@mychecklist4u.com. For more details, the Privacy Policy fully discloses how TopSolutions Media LTD collects and uses your content and information.

Email Subscription Agreement

By signing up for TopSolutions Media LTD, you agree to subscribe to TopSolutions Media LTD's email list and receive emails regarding new features, promotions, service interruptions, and weekly email newsletters. You can unsubscribe from this at any time and still remain a member.

User Conduct

As a condition of use, you promise not to use the Service for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms, or any other purpose not reasonably intended by TopSolutions Media LTD. To ensure the safety of MyChecklist4U extension, you commit to the following:

Registration and Account Security

As MyChecklist4U extension users provide their real names and information, the following commitments are made relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:

Copyright Abuse

TopSolutions Media LTD takes copyright infringement seriously and responds promptly to notices of claimed copyright infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). If you believe that any content on MyChecklist4U extension infringes your copyright, you can submit a notice to TopSolutions Media LTD's designated Copyright Agent.

Limitation of Liability

In no event will TopSolutions Media LTD be liable to you or any third person for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, or punitive damages resulting from the use or inability to use the Service. This includes damages for loss of checklists, tasks, profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses. TopSolutions Media LTD's liability to you for any cause whatsoever will be limited to the amount paid, if any, by you to TopSolutions Media LTD in the twelve (12) months prior to the claimed injury or damage. This limitation of liability is cumulative and not per incident.

Checklist Removal Policy

TopSolutions Media LTD is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all users of MyChecklist4U extension. As part of this commitment, the Checklist Removal Policy outlines the procedures and reasons for the removal or deactivation of checklists or checklist templates from the Service.

Reasons for Checklist Removal

TopSolutions Media LTD reserves the right to remove or deactivate any checklist or checklist template that violates the "User Conduct" policy or these Terms of Use. The following are some of the reasons that may lead to the removal or deactivation of a checklist:

  1. Violation of User Conduct: Checklists that are found to be in violation of the User Conduct guidelines, including those containing spam, misleading information, hateful content, threats, or pornography, will be subject to removal.
  2. Copyright Infringement: Checklists that infringe upon the copyright or intellectual property rights of others will be removed promptly upon receipt of a valid DMCA notice (as detailed in the "Copyright Abuse" section).
  3. Unlawful Content: Checklists that promote or facilitate unlawful activities, encourage discrimination, or contain any illegal content will be removed.
  4. Violation of Privacy: Checklists that breach the privacy of individuals or disclose personal information without consent will be subject to removal.
  5. Inappropriate Content: Checklists that contain content deemed inappropriate or offensive by TopSolutions Media LTD will be removed.

Notice and Appeal Process

If a checklist or checklist template is removed or deactivated based on the reasons mentioned above, the checklist's creator will be notified via email at the email address associated with their MyChecklist4U account. The email will specify the reason for the removal and provide information about the appeal process.

Appeal Process: If you believe that your checklist was removed or deactivated in error, you may submit an appeal to TopSolutions Media LTD. The appeal should include a detailed explanation of why you believe the checklist complies with the Terms of Use and User Conduct guidelines.

Email for Appeals: Appeals should be sent to info@mychecklist4u.com


TopSolutions Media LTD reserves the right to take appropriate actions against users who repeatedly violate the "User Conduct" policy or have their checklists removed multiple times. Such actions may include the termination of their MyChecklist4U account or other measures deemed appropriate by TopSolutions Media LTD.

Continuous Review

TopSolutions Media LTD regularly reviews checklists and checklist templates to ensure compliance with the Terms of Use and User Conduct guidelines. However, due to the dynamic nature of user-generated content, TopSolutions Media LTD encourages users to report any inappropriate or infringing content they come across within MyChecklist4U extension. Reporting such content helps maintain a safe and respectful environment for all users.

Changes to Terms

TopSolutions Media LTD has the discretion to update these Terms at any time to ensure they reflect the evolving nature of the MyChecklist4U extension and the services provided. When changes are made, a notification will be prominently displayed on the main page of the Site to alert users of the modifications.

Review and Notification:

Users are encouraged to regularly review these Terms to stay informed about any updates. By continuing to use the MyChecklist4U extension after the revised Terms have been posted, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the updated Terms.

Material Changes:

In the event of material changes to these Terms that significantly impact your rights or obligations, TopSolutions Media LTD may provide additional notice or seek your consent before implementing such changes. This may include sending an email notification to the address associated with your MyChecklist4U account or displaying a prominent notice within the MyChecklist4U extension.

Continued Use:

Your continued use of the MyChecklist4U extension following any changes to these Terms constitutes your acceptance of the modified Terms. If you do not agree with the revised Terms, you should discontinue using the MyChecklist4U extension.

Retaining Prior Versions:

TopSolutions Media LTD may archive prior versions of these Terms for your reference. You may request access to previous versions by contacting TopSolutions Media LTD at info@mychecklist4u.com.

TopSolutions Media LTD aims to ensure transparency and communication regarding any modifications to these Terms. It is your responsibility to regularly review the Terms and remain aware of any updates or changes that may affect your use of the MyChecklist4U extension.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about the Checklist Removal Policy, or if you wish to report inappropriate content, please contact TopSolutions Media LTD at info@mychecklist4u.com. By adhering to the User Conduct guidelines and respecting the rights of others, you contribute to creating a positive experience for all users of MyChecklist4U extension. TopSolutions Media LTD appreciates your cooperation in maintaining a supportive and compliant community.